Showroom of 
Aquarium design Techniques

More than meets the eye

Coral reef visually, but freshwater 

  • Custom lightning by combined LED 
  • Special interiordesign
  • ...and much more


Showroom of other projects

Optimizing effectively

Many of my designs, originated from a personal need. As a motorbike travelling thousands of miles I always struggle with lack of space. I have become a master of customised packaging. 


Design my needs

During the last couple years I have develope a taste for pipesmoking. Especially longpipes and the enrichment of flavours made my enter "designmode".  After lots of research testing i finally ended up with my easy to carry design....and I would never go back to a cigarette again. 

Industrial design

With a candidate in industrial design and BA in business language, I have the skills to think in streamlined design. The ore I have designed, the more effective I became. For 6 years I also do illustrative art both to B2B and B2C

Designing large

Furthermore i have specialized in delivering custom solutions including huge printed artorks and engraving on stainless steel

Keeping history alive,... so our culture doesn´t end up on a harddisk

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